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Custom-Made in the U.S.A.

Please make an appointment! We have a small staff and to ensure someone is here to meet you please call or email ahead of time!
SRSB will be closed until Tuesday May 28 for Memorial Day
Stair Treads
Stairs with carpet are brutal for upkeep. You know it’s time for a change. Our custom stair treads will be the perfect solution and a great investment. Installation takes one day, in most cases.

Oak Stair-Treads
Handcrafted, reclaimed, refurbished, and custom, --Oak Stair Treads

Unstained Treads & Risers
Handcrafted, reclaimed, refurbished, and custom.

Dark Stained Treads
Handcrafted, reclaimed, refurbished, and custom. Stained.

Dark Stained Stair Treads

Oak Stair Treads

Oak Stair Treads
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